Legal miscellany I

If your intention is to know the vigorous state constitutionalism in United States, this is an excellent book. The importance of the state charters from his beginning contrast with the small importance of that kind of legal texts in Mexico. This book probe that situation is not the same in others country’s.

This text of Professor Tarr show us the principal themes in the state constitutionalism across three century´s, teaches the matters who was regulated in the highest states laws; issues that the independence or the reintegration to UK, the cost of train tickets, the restriction or extension of the vote (an actual issue) to women and american citizen born in other country; also the popular participation in the approbation of new constitutions. The final chapter, a very interesting, is about the interpretation of local constitutions.

In a very good way, this book show the influence of the legal framers from one state in others. No a vertical mind, rather than a horizontal look. In Latin America, we need to practice more this approximation.

I know in person the author in Yucatán, México, in 2015, and appreciate on live the clarity of thought and excellent treatment


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