Democracy and its conditions. Andrea Greppi

(Personal notes of Andrea Greppi's exposition entitled "Democracy and its conditions" in the Seminar "Constitution, justice and democracy", organized by the Constitutional Studies Center of the Supreme Court. May 15, 2018. Mexico City. Alterio in the comments)

For the Greppi democracy is a set of rules to make decisions, believes that the discussion about the substantive or procedural definitions of democracy is wrong, while the "field" in which the democratic game is practiced must have certain characteristics, what is necessarily a substantive issue.

He proposes that we ask ourselves today what are the conditions that allow the existence of democracy? Inquisition that considers relevant given that the standard theory has entered into crisis to explain the relations between conditions and system result from the counterflow of the last wave democratic, which was assumed unstoppable.

Considering the data of Freedom House, Greppi affirms that in the last twelve years the indices of freedom in the world fell, and that this situation affects not only the weak democracies but also the consolidated ones, including some important countries in the international community, such as Russia and Turkey, without forgetting the biggest setbacks in the United States with the election of Donald Trump.

In his assessment studies on the quality of democracy obviate the understanding of concepts; besides that the accumulation of data requires interpretation.

It emphasizes that our democracies are less representative, it is hard to believe today that the laws and their application reflect the popular will, The imaginary mechanism that allowed the citizen to assume in the place of the head of state and make the same decisions. To a great extent, this crisis is due to the lack of communication between politicians and citizens, motivated in large part because the complex decision-making process that affects the whole community is not communicated.

Parliaments have the virtue of making visible the reasons why decisions are made, which is vital at a time when a good part of the law has ceased to be formally legislated ("soft law")

It is necessary to find mechanisms that allow us to see ourselves reflected as a society, mirrors to see how we really are and to show us our inequalities and pending. A fundamental issue is how is virtue produced? since democracies require it.


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