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Why Bother with Elections?
By Adam Przeworski.

The most recent book by the distinguished professor at New York University was published by Polity in 2018. The author is one of the most important thinkers of Political Science. Przeworski´s style is clear and precise, without unnecessary explanations, which of course is appreciated. In this book he write about the emergence of modern elections, as well as struggles to expand suffrage and the way elites have sought (and found) ways to limit the decision-making power of majorities, while maintaining the myth of "Self-government trough Elections".

It defines what it calls "competitive elections" as well as the real possibilities that they allow a greater rationality in decision-making, improve citizen´s control over government, and also achieve economic development. He considers the elections as "a terrain in which people with different preferences can process their conflicts according to certain rules"

Very interesting is his effort to establish what can not be demanded as a result of competitive elections.

The book includes explanatory tables, as well as references to studies and analyzes by other authors, but without abundant quotations. Recommended for anyone interested in the electoral issue, with basic knowledge about the resepctive concepts (wich coincides with the intention of the author)


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